Handle SPF events and the navigation life cycle.
SPF is designed to give developers enough flexibility during navigation to both control application logic and provide UI updates for things like progress bars.
Navigation Life Cycle
A basic event flow diagram follows and a more detailed explanation is below:
Navigation Life Cycle Event Dispatched
+---------------------->[ spfready ]
| |
| |
| +----------------------------+
| | | |
| api|navigate dom|click history|popstate
| | | |
| | +------+-------+
| | | +--->[ spfclick ]
| | +-----------+
| | | +->[ spfhistory ]
| +-------------+------+
| |
| |
| +-------------------->[ spfrequest ]
| |
| send|request
| |
| +--------------+
| | |
| | history|pushstate
| | |
| +--------------+
| |
| |
| receive|response
| |
| +-------------------->[ spfprocess ]
| |
| |
| process|response
| |
| +----------------------->[ spfdone ]
| |
| |
Event Descriptions
All events in the API are defined as spf.Event objects. A list of the events and their descriptions follows:
Fired when handling a click on a valid link (e.g. one with a
valid spf-link
class or parent element). Use as an early
indication that navigation will happen or to provide element-
level UI feedback.
Fired when handling a popstate
history event, indicating the
user has gone backward or forward; similar to spfclick
Fired before a request for navigation is sent. Use to handle
the beginning of navigation and provide global-level UI feedback
(i.e. start a progress bar). This event is fired before a
request is sent for all types of navigation: clicks,
back/forward, and API calls. (Note that this event is fired
even if a response is fetched from cache and no actual network
request is made.)
Fired when a response has been received, either from the network
or from cache, before it is processed. Use to update UI
feedback (i.e. advance a progress bar) and dispose event
listeners before content is updated.
Fired after response processing is done. Use to finalize UI
feedback (i.e. complete a progress bar) and initialize event
listeners after content is updated.
Callbacks and Cancellations
If manually starting navigation with spf.navigate, then
instead of handling events you may pass callbacks in an object
that conforms to the spf.RequestOptions interface. Almost
all events and callbacks can be canceled by calling
or returning false
, respectively. A list of
the events, their corresponding callbacks, and their cancel
action follows:
Event | Callback | State | Cancel |
spfclick |
Link Clicked | Ignore | |
spfhistory |
Back/Forward Clicked | Ignore | |
spfrequest |
onRequest |
Started; Sending Request | Reload |
spfprocess |
onProcess |
Processing; Response Received | Reload |
spfdone |
onDone |
Done |